Update letter November 2020

Friday 6th November

Update letter November 2020 1


Dear parents/carers,

As always, it has been great to see the children return after their half term break this week. They have settled back into routines quickly and we are all so proud of how they are getting on with school life.

Thank you again to parents who continue to follow our one-way system and keep children on the path, next to them, while exiting school grounds.

As we continually review the processes and the current rate of infection level I would ask parents for consideration to wearing a face mask when coming to collect / drop off children.  Whilst we have arranged the times to enable as best social distancing as possible it is still a relatively confined space on the yard.

In addition I would also like to ask if parents can make sure that while walking through the large yard and around the building to go up the path towards the top gate, you take a wide path allowing those parents collecting children from the key stage 2 door space to have room to wait to collect their children.

On Monday 23rd November we will be having individual photographs. Please make sure your child has their hair combed and best smile at the ready! Unfortunately, we cannot take photographs with siblings this year. However, we will have the photograph proofs sent out in time for Christmas

We are clearly unable to hold face to face parents’ evenings this term. Therefore, staff will be completing and sending home short reports on Friday 4th December. This report will focus on how the children have settled back into school and their attitudes to learning.  We will also include the data picture which we would normally share during this term’s parents’ evening.

Due to the regular contact staff have with parents, Nursery children will not receive a report however if any Nursery parents have concerns they are able to request a phone call from Mrs Ramsay.

Unfortunately, due to lockdown all the local Inn’s have had to close except for takeaways and the donkey has been put on furlough so there’s no way that Mary and Joseph will be able to even get a stable to stay in this year! Clearly this means our normal festivities are going to be somewhat restricted. However, please be assured we are planning to still keep as much happening for the children as we can.  Year 2, 3 and 4 will be having the M and M pantomime in school on Monday 16th November and we will have Christmas parties and hopefully a Christmas dinner.  When dates for the events are confirmed parents will be notified through Seesaw and Tapestry, please also check the school’s calendar which can be found on the website.

New guidance was published for schools on Thursday as a result of the national lockdown. Within this guidance it states where schools are offering extra-curricular activities (that is, before and after school clubs) they should only do so where it is reasonably necessary to support parents to work, search for work, or undertake training or education, or where the provision is being used for the purposes of respite care.

Having spoken to our extra curriculum providers both they and I are happy that we are continuing to work within a safe environment and within our risk assessment. Governors and I also believe that many of our parents utilise the after school clubs to support with being able to work. Therefore, we will be continuing with clubs as normal over the lockdown period.  Should further guidance be sent out and this has to change parents will be notified via text immediately.

Please also find attached to this update letter further guidance from Public Health England concerning when children should be kept away from school.


Stay safe,


Mr T Jones



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