School lunches & Milk
School Meals Weekly Menu 2023 / 2024
Mellors operates a 3 week rotational menu
Please note that following a school holiday we will always restart on Week 1.

Paying for school meals
School meals should be paid for before they are taken and at least one week in advance
- Paying online means that you can do this at a time that's convenient for you
Free school meals
Reception, year 1 and 2 pupils are eligible for universal infant free school meals
- Pupils in year 3,4,5 and 6 may be entitled to free school meals and need to apply
- School trips – we can provide packed lunches
- Applications can be taken over the telephone by calling Tel: 0191 643 2288
Food allergies
We cater for children who require medically prescribed diets. If your need to discuss your child’s allergies please contact the school
Tel: 0191 6432026

During the year we invite parents in to have a dinner with their child.
This is an excellent opportunity to experience how appetising the meals are and what good value for money they are compared to packed lunches.
Some children prefer to bring their own packed lunch and these should be brought in a clearly named lunchbox. We have fridges to keep their lunch nice and cool. We ask parents pack a healthy balanced nutritious lunch for children.

School Milk
To register your child for School Milk please log on to Cool Milk - Children up to the age of 5 receive free school milk but you must still register.
Free fruit and vegetables
All Key Stage 1 children are given a free piece of fruit or vegetable at school each day
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