Remote learning at Langley
Friday 23rd October 2020
Re: Home learning
Dear Parent/Carer,
At Langley First school, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote learning – whether for an individual pupil or for whole class/ year groups. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed. Through the use of Seesaw and Tapestry we provided online content throughout the lockdown period prior to the summer and have continued to offer learning opportunities using these apps during this term.It is important therefore that we continue to make sure parents, children and school alike are clear what is expected of each other during the possibility of further lockdowns or bubbles going into isolation.
As you are already aware, we have created in the curriculum area of the website a ‘Recovery Curriculum’ section setting out how we are actively planning to ensure the children will be able to progress effectively this year, ensuring the missed learning from last year and the current year groups objectives can be covered and mastered.
Also in this section you will find our ‘Remote Learning’ documents. In this part of the site we have uploaded all the relevant policies and information parents and carers need should/when we have to move to isolate a bubble or go into further lockdown.
It must be recognised that this new way of working puts greater pressure on families having the correct devices and internet access. Whilst we are not able to offer each child a tablet device, if a family is struggling and do not have access to an appropriate device please let school know and we can discuss what options are available.
We are able to provide paper copies of learning activities on request. However, this will not allow instant feedback from staff as anything that is sent back in to school will have to be left for 72 hours before it can be reviewed. Paper packs would need to be requested at the start of any period of isolation or lockdown.
Below you will find the school’s expectations for remote learning. These are set out to ensure that the transition from school-based learning to virtual learning can be as smooth as possible and above all ensure that we can limit the loss of any learning moving forward.
What we expect from parents/carers
- Children to be given access to their work at the most convenient and appropriate time for you and your family.
- Staff will be working through the day between 9:00am and 3:30pm so any interactions will happen between these times.
- Encourage children to take screen breaks and activity breaks. We would recommend that children have activity breaks at the very least similar to their playtimes to keep in some sort of routine.
- Whilst we recognise there may be many demands on the devices that the children are using, work is completed by 3:00pm on the day set unless otherwise stated to allow the staff to offer feedback for the following days learning
- Any communication to school outside of the parameters of children’s work is sent via the main office email address (
- To continue to read daily with your child – even where reading books may have been completed, alternatives which can be found in the resources information section are utilised
- To ensure that Seesaw / Tapestry is being used in line with the signed agreements.
What parents/ carers and children should expect from school
- Lessons / activities set are based on the curriculum for their year group
- A mixture of activities types to help with engagement
- Feedback on work that is submitted in line with the school feedback policy
- Three activities set each day comprising of a Literacy, maths and another curriculum area
- All activities set to build on / link into the year group curriculum
- Activities across the period of isolation or lockdown cover the full curriculum as far as possible.
What we expect from children
- All work is completed in the timescale asked
- The work is completed to the best of their ability
- Where possible, if a task is found to be too difficult let the teacher know so they can offer some support
- Use the Seesaw APP appropriately and only post things that are relevant to their work.
I hope the above is clear and I thank you in advance for your co-operation in this during these new ways of working
Mr. T Jones