Religious Education

Purpose of study

Throughout key stage 1 and 2, pupils explore Christianity and at least two (three in KS2) of the principal religions in this country. They learn about different beliefs about God and the world around them. They encounter and respond to a range of stories, artefacts and other religious materials.

They learn to recognise that beliefs are expressed in a variety of ways and begin to use specialist vocabulary. They begin to understand the importance and value of religion and belief, especially for other children and their families. Pupils ask relevant questions and develop a sense of wonder about the world, using their imaginations. They talk about what is important to them and others, valuing themselves, reflecting on their own feelings and experiences and developing a sense of belonging.

Prior learning

Prior learning

Half Terms

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Talk about how I am the same

and different from other people

based on my familiar experiences,

such as what I like to eat or what

clothes I wear.

Join in with routines, like going shopping,

and special times, especially birthdays.


Autumn 1




Rosh Hashanah 

The importance of the Torah & The synagogue

(Synagogue visit)


How & why Hindus celebrate Diwali


Worship at home and in the Mandir

Can recognise photos of my

friends, family and other special

people and tell you who they are.

I know that my friends might do things

differently to me, like eating different foods at

home, or we might have different times that

are special with our families such as Eid, Diwali,

Easter, Passover, or Chinese New Year.

Learning objectives

Can begin to recognise the importance of belonging

Can begin to recognise the importance for some people, of belonging to a religion

Can identify what is important to them and others

To know about some religious celebrations, worship, rituals and beliefs

Can recognise some religious symbols

Can name and describe some of the celebrations, worship and rituals in religion

Can begin to reflect on religious and spiritual feelings and compare them to their own

Can reflect on spiritual and moral values and relate to their own behaviour

Can name and talk about some religious text

Can name some important people in religion

Can begin to name some religious buildings and talk about some of their features and functions

Can recognise and name some religious objects and their uses/meanings

Can describe the key aspects of a range of religious celebrations, worship and rituals

Can identify how religious people, stories and traditions can influence the beliefs and values of others

Can begin to identify and describe similarities and differences within and between religions

Can begin to understand and explain symbolic meaning within religious stories,worship and rituals

Can discuss their own and others views of religious truth and belief, expressing their own ideas

Can identify a range of religious buildings and talk about their features and functions

Can identify comparisons within religions when communicating their knowledge and understanding

Can use a range of religious vocabulary to express their  understanding

Can begin to give meaning to a range of forms of religious expression

Can begin to show an understanding of religious and other responses to ultimate, big and ethical questions


Can watch what my friends are doing and join in

with them.



Autumn 2






Christmas & Advent


Meaning of Signs & symbols and those  linked to Christmas


Christmas Journeys

Past and present

Can remember times that are

special to me and talk about them,

like the first day I got my scooter.


Can talk about people and times

that are special to me and my

family and friends.

Know that I am special and some

things that I do are the same as

my friends and some things are


Talk about what about things I like to play with or things that I like to do.

Ask questions to find out more

about the things I like.

Learning objectives

Can retell some parts of religious stories

To know about some religious celebrations, worship, rituals and beliefs

Can begin to recognise and name some religious objects

Can identify what is important to them and others

Can begin to communicate own ideas

Can begin to name some religious writings

Can name and describe some of the celebrations, worship and rituals in religion

Can begin to explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed

Can identify what is important to them and others including those with religious faith commitments

Can recognise and name some religious objects and their uses/meanings

Can identify and suggest meaning of some religious symbols and use a range of religious words

Can reflect on spiritual and moral values and relate them to their own behaviour

Can understand and explore symbolic meaning within religious stories, worship and rituals

Can identify how religious people, stories and traditions can influence the beliefs and values of others

To know and understand what sacred text and other sources say about God, life and the world and how this is reflected in the lives of those with a religious faith commitment

Can reflect on ideas of right and wrong and their own and others responses

To interpret information about religions from a range of sources

Can begin to question ideas about religion, life and the world expressing their own ideas and comparing them with those of other people

Can identify comparisons within religions when communicating their knowledge and understanding

Can use a range of religious vocabulary to express their understanding

Can identify challenges of commitment in their own lives as well as those belonging to a faith and how they can be expressed in a variety of ways

Can begin to give meaning to a range of forms of religious expression


Know about similarities and

differences between themselves

and others, and among families,

communities and traditions.


Spring 1



How Jewish people express their beliefs


The Bible & Why Jesus told stories


Muhammad & The Quran


Worship at home and the Mosque


Understand that different people have different beliefs,

attitudes, customs and traditions and why it is important to treat everyone with respect.


Learning objectives

Can retell some parts of  religious stories

To know about some religious celebrations, worship, rituals and beliefs

Can begin to recognise and name some religious objects

To know about some of the important people in religion

Can begin to recognise the importance for some people, of belonging to a religion

Can begin to use some religious words

Can name and talk about some religious text

Can name some important people in religion

Can retell a range of religious stories

Can begin to reflect on religious and spiritual feelings and compare them to their own

Can explain how their actions affect others

Can reflect on spiritual and moral values and relate them to their own behaviour

Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling questions communicating their own ideas

Can recognise how religious teachings and ideas can make a difference to individual and family life

Can describe the key aspects of a range of religious celebrations,worship and rituals

Can use some religious vocabulary when communicating their own knowledge and understanding

Can identify how religious people, stories and traditions can influence the beliefs and values of others

To know and understand what sacred text and other sources say about God, life and the world and how this is reflected in the lives of those with a religious faith commitment

Can begin to question ideas about religion, life and the world expressing their own ideas and comparing them with those of other people

Can use a range of religious vocabulary to express their understanding

Can identify a range of religious buildings and talk about their features and functions

Can identify challenges of commitment in their own life as well as those belonging to a faith and how they are expressed in a variety of ways

Can begin to give meaning to a range of forms of religious expression



Spring 2


Easter celebrations & traditions


Lent, Easter & The Passover


Christian Symbols, Artefacts and Celebrations linked to Easter around the world


Importance of Easter



Learning objectives

Can retell some parts of religious stories

To know about some religious celebrations, worship, rituals and beliefs Can recognise and name some religious symbols

Can identify what is important to them and others

To know about some of the important people in religion

Can begin to explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed

Can recognise how religious teachings and ideas can make a difference to individual and family life

Can name and describe some of the celebrations, worship and rituals in religion

Can retell a range of religious stories

Can begin to reflect on religious and spiritual feelings and compare them to their own

Can identify and suggest meaning of some religious symbols and use a range of religious words

Can identify what is important to them and others including those with religious faith commitments

Can recognise, name and compare religious meaning of a range of religious artefacts

Can begin to consider and compare religious celebrations, worship and rituals around the world

Can understand and explore symbolic meaning within religious stories, worship and rituals

Can identify how religious people, stories and traditions can influence the beliefs and values of others

Can use some religious vocabulary when communicating their own knowledge and understanding

Can identify and explore a range of religious expression

To know and begin to understand ideas about life after death

Can use a range of religious vocabulary to express their understanding

Can begin to show an understanding of religious and other responses to ultimate, big and ethical questions

To know that there are different beliefs about life after death and how they can influence individual and family life

Can question matters of right or wrong to show they have an understanding of moral and religious teachings

Can begin to give meaning to a range of forms of religious expression



Summer 1


Learning about the church and

St Cuthbert

(church visit)


Important people in the

Jewish faith


Importance of the Bible to Christians


Temples & Shrines



Learning objectives

To know about some of the important people in religion

To know that people belonging to a religion often worship in a religious building

Can begin to recognise and name some religious objects

Can begin to recognise the importance for some people to belong to a religion.

Can begin to name some religious writings

Can retell a range of religious stories

Can name some important people in religion

Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling questions

Can begin to reflect on religious and spiritual feelings and compare them to their own

Can recognise how religious teachings and ideas can make a difference to individual and family life

Can reflect on spiritual and moral values and relate them to their own behaviour

Can name and describe some of the celebrations, worship and rituals in religion

Can recognise and name some religious objects and their uses/meanings

Can identify how religious people, stories and traditions can influence the beliefs and values of others

Can use some religious vocabulary when communicating their own knowledge and understanding

To know and understand what sacred text and other sources say about God, life and the world and how this is reflected in the lives of those with religious faith commitment

Can reflect on ideas of right and wrong and their own and others responses

Can interpret information about religion from a range of sources

Can reflect on religious and spiritual feelings and experiences and compare them to their own

Can begin to question ideas about religion, life and the world expressing their own ideas and comparing them with those of other people

Can identify comparisons within religions when communicating their knowledge and understanding

Can begin to understand the significance of religion in local national and global communities

Can identify a range of religious buildings and talk about their features and functions

Can identify challenges of commitment in their own lives as well as those belonging to a faith and how they are expressed in a variety of ways

To know that their are people in religion from whom believers take inspiration and compare them with people of inspiration in their own lives

Can begin to give meaning to a range of religious expression



Summer 2


Muslim beliefs about God (Allah) and the world

Islam - Celebrations

Ramadan and



The Buddha - life & teachings

Belonging to a Faith

Looking at worldwide faiths, religious communities and religious identities



Learning objectives

To know about some religious celebrations, worship, rituals and beliefs

Can begin to communicate own ideas

Can identify between right and wrong

Can retell some parts of a religious story

To know about some of the important people in religion

Can begin to use some religious words

Can begin to explore how religious beliefs and ideas can be expressed

Can begin to reflect on religious and spiritual feelings and compare them to their own

Can name some important people in religion

Can retell a range of religious stories

Ask and respond imaginatively to puzzling questions

Can recognise how religious teachings and ideas can make a difference to individual and family life

Can name and describe some of the celebrations, worship and rituals in religion

Can explain how their actions affect others

Can reflect on spiritual and moral values and relate them to their own behaviour

Can identify how religious people, stories and traditions can influence the beliefs and values of others

To know and begin to understand believers ideas about life after death

Can describe the key aspects of a range of religious celebrations, worship and rituals

Can begin to question ideas about religion, life and the world and express their own ideas comparing them with those of other people

Can discuss their own and others views of religious truth and belief, expressing their own ideas

Can reflect on ideas of right and wrong and their own and others responses

Can begin to identify and describe similarities and differences within and between religions

Can identify and explore a range of forms of religious expression

Can begin to understand the significance of religion in local national and global communities

Can understand what is meant by belonging to a faith community and compare this with their own experience of communities

Can identify challenges of commitment in their own lives as well as those belonging to a faith and how they are expressed in a variety of ways

Can begin to give meaning to a range of forms of religious expression

Can use a range of religious vocabulary to express their understanding