Race Night Letter
Everyone is invited to the Friends of Langley (FOL) race night on Friday 10th May at 7:30pm.
This is an adult only event (over 16 years); it is a chance for us all to socialise and let our hair down a bit. Everyone is welcome; the event is not restricted to parents/guardians.
A race night is a fun way of raising money for the school. There are 8 pre-recorded races with 8 horses running each race. Attendees place bets on these races with the hope of betting on the winning horse! We have hired a very experienced Race Manager who will provide superb commentary and manage the betting.
Whitley Bay Pizza Company will be with us from 19:30 supplying each ticket holder with a freshly cooked pizza, you can collect this at a time to suit you during the evening.
You are welcome to bring your own drinks (and cups) to this event: alcohol and soft drinks. A small bar will be available on the night selling wines, lager and soft drinks.
Tickets cost £10 per person. There will also be an opportunity to buy horses at £5 each prior to the night (so that the programme can be made in advance). If your horse wins a race you win £20. Please complete the slip below with number of tickets and horses required.
We will be selling tickets in the hall on Thursday 4th April and Friday 5th April from 8:40 where we will be able to answer any questions you have. Tea, coffee and biscuits available at a small cost.
Please complete the below slip and return to school or catch us in the hall Thursday or Friday morning at drop off.
Thank you
Child’s name (who the tickets need to go to)…………………………………..class……………..
Adults name:……………………………………………………………………………………………
Number of tickets…………………… Total cost………………………
Tickets are £10 each to include a pizza.
Please enclose the correct cash or make cheques payable to ‘Friends of Langley’
Should you also which to buy a horse/s these are £5 each, if your horse wins a race you win £20.
Number of horses:…………………..Total cost…………………………….
Please complete per horse purchased:
Please choose a name for your horse: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Name of owner…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Please choose a name for your horse: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Name of owner…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Please choose a name for your horse: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Name of owner…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….