Our Nursery
Nursery provision at Langley
We would love for your child to join our happy, welcoming Nursery. We aim to provide the children with a home-from-home experience with lots of exciting and new opportunities to express themselves, whilst also nurturing your child’s individuality and interests. At Langley children can attend for 15 hours or parents can apply for the Government's 30 hour offer which we provide in conjunction with our on-site childcare provider. All the information can be found below. If you have any questions once you have reviewed our site please do not hesitate to contact school.
Our Nursery curriculum
The children in our Nursery are taught by fully-qualified teachers and highly skilled early years teaching assistants.
We plan a balanced curriculum offering the children learning opportunities based on new experiences as well as those based on the children’s individual interests. The children have access to both our indoor classroom and outdoor area.
We focus on the Prime Areas and Characteristics of Learning of the EYFS to give your child the best start to their education. We will encourage them to develop and use a rich and wide range of vocabulary, we nurture and help them develop their social and emotional skills and we provide a mountain of opportunities to practise their gross and fine motor development.
As well as this we put a huge emphasis on developing a love for reading; enter our Nursery classroom and you will find children reading stories, re-telling and acting stories out, asking a grown-up to scribe a story for them and painting or creating characters and props for stories in our creative area. We develop children’s interest in maths through play and planned activities, and we challenge them to extend their mathematical thinking. We have a passion for teaching early phonics skills and we do this through games, songs and activities.
Our Nursery environment
We are very lucky to have a wonderful space for our children.
The Nursery classroom is large yet welcoming and we aim to provide a stimulating environment full of authentic resources that inspire the children to be curious and creative. Our outdoor area provides the children with a great space to run, jump, dig, climb and imagine.
We provide many open-ended resources throughout our Nursery and we enhance areas of the classroom and plan activities around the children's interests. In addition to this we plan specific activities and themes ourselves to spark interest and develop your child’s awe and wonder about the world around them.
Nursery sessions
From September 2023 we will have two Nursery classes that each attend for 2.5 days. When you apply for a Nursery place you can choose which pattern of attendance you prefer (subject to availability)
Beginning of the Week 'Caterpillar' Class
Monday 8.55am - 3.15pm
Tuesday 8.55am - 3.15pm
Wednesday 8.55am - 11.40am
End of the Week 'Butterfly' Class
Wednesday 12.30pm - 3.15pm
Thursday 8.55am - 3.15pm
Friday 8.55am - 3.15pm
Our on-site provider School's Out at Langley are able to provide you with any extra hours or days in addition to our school Nursery 15-hour entitlement.
Our offer
Langley First School currently provides 15 hours of free nursery education for children who are 3 on or before 31st August 2024. If you wish to join us for the remainder of this academic year, please contact the school office.
Children who turn 3 between September 1st and December 31st will be invited to start in either the January or September after their 3rd birthday. Children who turn 3 between 1st January and 31st August will be invited to start in the September after their 3rd birthday.
Apply now for September 2025!

Please complete the nursery online admissions form below to apply for a place in our nursery school 2025/26.
If you are interested in our offer for 2026/27, please email the school office on office@langleyfirst.org.uk
30 hour offer
For those parents who require additional hours, we are able to offer a further 15 hours, free Nursery provision, in conjunction with our on-site childcare provider. They offer the additional hours between the hours of 7.30am - 5.45pm
This is through the Government 30 hour offer. To access these additional 15 hours parents will need to apply and can do so by watching the video below and completing the online application, a link for which can be found here
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