Letter to year 4 children
Hello to our year 4’s and your parents,
I wrote to you recently to say I was working with the Governors to try and ensure that you would be able to come into school in some way before the end of term. I am really pleased to now be able to share with you how we are going to make this happen!
As you know, we are only able to have so many children in school at any one time to make sure I can keep you all safe. This means sadly that I am not able to bring you all in together, however, you are going to be able to come back a class at a time. So our plan for the final week of term is;
Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th July – Class 10 return to be with Mrs Jones
Thursday 16th and Friday 17th July – Class 9 return to be with Miss Cummings
Each day year 4 will be based in the main hall. You will come into school through the hall doors at 9:00am. When in school you will be split into two groups of 15, but you will all be based in the hall. During your two days, Mrs Jones and Miss Cummings have got lots of lovely things planned for you to do and hopefully help you have a fun filled, memorable end to your time at Langley.
On the days that you are in we need you to arrive at school promptly at 9:00am. You will come into school through the normal main gates and go straight into the hall. Any parents or adults dropping you off need to leave you at the main gate. At night time, parents or adults collecting need to come in to school through the main gate and wait for you in the yard at 15:00. There is a one way system in place on site, everyone needs to then walk up the side of the school building and leave the site via the gate onto Drumoyne Gardens.
Please bring with you a packed lunch, a snack if you want one and a water bottle. You won’t need anything else so don’t bring other things from home including bags. We do however ask that any reading or library books are brought in the first day you return and left in the box allocated.
For those children who have been accessing school under key worker provision, this will continue on the days that you are not in with your class. The times will be the same for this group as they have been since the start.
I hope that you have all the information that you need and look forward to seeing you all over the course of the final week. If you have any other questions then I am sure Mrs Jones, Miss Cummings or Mrs Gardner won’t mind you asking through Seesaw
Take care, enjoy the sunshine and we will see you in a couple of weeks!
Mr. Jones