Home/School Links

Home/School Links

At Langley we understand the fundamental importance of effective links between home and school. We have created a set of website links and useful apps for each year group below.

Early Years - Nursery/Reception

Zoom catch up sessions

Friday 22nd January Dear Parents/Carers, As the current situation continues we appreciate that giving the children a chance to be ‘together’ as a class is very important. Therefore, it is our intention to start zoom catch up’s for each class from next week. These will start by being a short check in, chance for a…

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Remote Education Provision 2021

January 2021 Remote education provision: information for parents This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see…

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Access to school next week

Dear parent/carer, I apologise for bombarding you with communications but I am sure at this present time you can understand the need to ensure we can get information out to you as and when necessary. To make sure we can support blended learning, with key worker children in school and others remote learning, it is…

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Further update 5_1_21

Update Tuesday 5th January 2021.doc   Tuesday 5th January 2021 Re: update following Lockdown announcement Dear parent / carer, After the difficulties we were all faced with last night I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding yesterday. Whilst a school closure is not something that any headteacher would want to do,…

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School closure from Tuesday 5th January

School closure from 5th Jan

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Start of Spring term 2021

Monday 4th January 2021   Re: Start of Spring term 2021   Dear parent / carer, I hope that you and your families have managed to have a restful Christmas period, and that you and your loved ones are all safe and well. It is clear that we will continue to have some very difficult…

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Letter from Chair of Governors 18_12_20

Friday 18th December   Re: letter from Chair of Governors     Dear Parents/Carers.   On behalf of our Governing Body, may I thank you for the support given to our school during these unprecedented times.  Our Governing Body has held three additional meetings during this year to ensure that every possible action and mitigation…

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End of term newsletter

Friday 18th December   Re: Newsletter end of Aut term 2020   Dear parent / carer,   At the end of a difficult and challenging term it is important to concentrate on the positives and celebrate achievements which there are many of. Despite the current difficulties, there are lots of amazing things that have happened…

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Coronavirus Christmas break information

Positive contact during Christmas break information 141220

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End of term

Wednesday 10th December 2020   Dear parent / carer , I am sure that you have seen in the news the education minister stating that schools can finish a day early on December 17th to help with track and trace timescales. For clarity, the release states;   ‘To ensure that staff get the time off they need…

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Key Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2

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Key Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4

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Home School Links

Home/School Links Home/School Links At Langley we understand the fundamental importance of effective links between home and school. We have created…

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