Important Coronavirus – Key Workers update

Important Coronavirus – Key Workers update Friday 20th March (8:00am) Dear parent/carer,   In the early hours we finally received notification of what constitutes a key worker and guidance around who can be offered childcare provision.  The Government make it very clear that to reduce the risk of the spreading of Covid19, where possible children…

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Update – 19/3/2020

Thank you to all parents for your support over recent days. We are still waiting for further guidance on ‘key workers’ but have asked parents who think they qualify to email school as per letter sent out. More information to follow tomorrow.

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Updated Coronavirus information

Dear Parents / Carers, Following on from the new measures put in place by the Prime Minister yesterday I would like to share with you some of considerations and alterations we are putting into place. To reduce the number of people congregating in one place we are changing the drop off and pick up arrangements…

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