
Please complete the nursery admissions form below and return to to apply for a place in our nursery school.
Langley First School Nursery Admissions Policy 2021
Langley Nursery is part of Langley First School. This Nursery Admissions Policy has been written following consultation with and the agreement of the Governors of Langley First School and outlines the provision we offer and our admissions criteria. The nursery offers term time only provision for children from the term they are age 3 years until they enter full time schooling. It should be noted that admissions to any nursery even those attached to a school does not guarantee admission to the Reception classes at Langley First School. Parents must follow normal procedures when applying for full-time education.
All parents are currently entitled to 15 hours free childcare per week, however the Extended Free Childcare Entitlement for working parents will provide eligible parents with a total of 30 hours free childcare per week. At Langley Nursery we are able to offer 15 hours (either five 3 hour morning sessions or five 3 hour afternoon sessions) and we will be working with our on-site Wraparound to provide the additional 15 hours to those eligible for Extended Free Entitlement or parents who wish to “top up” from the current free 15 provision by arranging to purchase them from Wraparound.
Langley Nursery sessions available from September 2021 are;
15 hours across the week (3 hours daily)
Session Timings
- 5 Morning sessions from 8.45 am to 11.45 am
- 5 Afternoon sessions from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
Suggested Session timings for those eligible for 30 hours free childcare
- 5 Morning sessions at Langley Nursery 8.45 am to 11.45 am and 4 Afternoon sessions with Langley Wraparound (including lunch).
- 4 Morning sessions at Wraparound (Lunch at Wraparound) and 5 Afternoon sessions at Langley Nursery from 12.20pm to 3.30 pm
The Governors intend to admit into the nursery, in September 2021, 72 children (36 children for each session) without reference to ability or aptitude. Children born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018 will be admitted in September 2021 where places are available.
We recognise that parents want to be sure they choose the Nursery which is right for their child, so we strongly recommend that you contact our setting and if you would like to arrange a visit to our nursery then you would be more than welcome to make an appointment by phoning our School Office on 0191 6432026
Reserving a place
If you have applied for a place either by phone or submitting an application form then you will be notified in February 2020 with an offer and the session that we have allocated for your child. Parents will need to accept the place in writing within 2 weeks of the offer otherwise the place will be withdrawn, and offered to another child. When children are offered a place parents are asked for their preference for a morning or afternoon session, but there is no guarantee that they will be offered their preference. There is no right of appeal for morning or afternoon places. If you have not yet reserved a place you can do this by contacting the School Office (0191 6432026) or completing an application form online.
Is attendance flexible?
No, we expect children to attend for five mornings or afternoons. This is to ensure continuity for the children and also to give them the best possible start with opportunities for their experiences and learning to be enhanced and developed across the week. As we only offer 15 hour places i.e. 5 mornings or afternoons, we will withdraw an offer if a parent, after accepting a place or upon receipt of the offer, say they want to attend on fewer than 5 mornings or afternoons.
Admissions criteria
The Governors, Headteacher and Early Years Manager will consider applications in order of names on the Reservation List. The final decision on when the child is admitted, rests with the Headteacher and Governing Body of the School. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of vacancies, the Governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: -
- Children in public care (looked after children) or children previously in care, but subsequently adopted or subject to a residence or special guardianship order.
- Children with exceptional medical, educational or social needs supported by written
evidence from an appropriate professional.
- Children who have a sibling(s) who will still be attending the nursery/school at the time of
- Children living nearest to the nursery class based on the distance from the home address to the school measured in a straight line in accordance with the North Tyneside Council measurement of home.
NB. Any case where two or more children rank equally under any of the above criteria and there is only one place available, the priority is the oldest child by date of birth.
Note 1: For this Admissions Policy a brother or sister includes a full brother or sister or step/half brother or sister living at the same address. This criterion does not include brothers or sisters due to transfer to Middle school in the next academic year as he or she will have left the school by the time the younger child starts.
Note 2: Home will be taken as the address at which the child lives with the parent or registered guardian who is the main carer (the parent eligible to receive Child Benefit and/or Child Tax Credit) at the time of application. Parents will be asked to provide proof of residency at their stated home address in order that the admission criteria can be applied fairly. If proof of residency cannot be confirmed then the offer of a place may be withdrawn.
Waiting Lists
Parents of children who have not been offered a place at Langley Nursery may ask for their child’s name to be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be operated using the same admissions criteria listed above. Placing a child’s name on the waiting list does not guarantee that a place will become available.
Casual admissions during the school year are subject to there being suitable vacancies and left to the discretion of the Headteacher. Parents interested in places should keep in contact with the school.
Please Note
A new application will need to be made for a place in Langley First School. Attendance at our Nursery will not give a priority for a place in Reception.
Information and application forms for your child’s admission to a school will be available in October 2018 (admissions information and how to apply online will be available from the school), it should be completed online and returned to the Local Authority by the date stated on the information.
Entitlement to the free 30 hours childcare
If parents are entitled to the free 30 hours childcare and would like to use their additional 15 hours with our onsite Langley Wraparound setting then parents must complete the Langley Wraparound application form in addition to the Langley Nursery application form. If you require the use of the Wraparound additional childcare facilities such as the Breakfast club and the after school club there will be a charge for the additional hours over and above the 30 hours free weekly entitlement. These charges will be levied in line with the Wraparound ‘Charging Policy’.
Right of appeal
Decisions made on offering Nursery places are made by the school in line with the admissions criteria outlined in details above. You have the right to appeal against any decision made and a governor’s appeal panel has been set up specifically for this purpose.
If you wish to exercise your right of appeal please write to the governor’s appeal panel, c/o the Headteacher.
Any appeal must be based on whether the school followed its agreed admission arrangements. The appeal must state why the parent believes that the school has not followed these arrangements.
Policy Review
This policy will be updated annually by the Governors in the spring term of each year.
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