Update letter 11/9/2020

Friday 11th September 2020


Dear parent / carer,

I would like to start by thanking everyone for their patience, understanding and co-operation over the first few days of this year.  With all the changes and new procedures it has been a different start to term but one the children have risen to the challenge of. It has been amazing to see how well they have come into school and how proud I am of them all. Over the coming days staff will begin to share more insights into the classroom and experiences the children are having through Seesaw and Tapestry.

To continue to improve the current arrangements I ask those that have a child in year 2 – 4 to please wait on the far pavement to allow the children in year 1 – 3 to enter school. If you have children at different drop off times, please move across the road once your first child has entered the yard to create space for others.  Please appreciate it is important that the children come in at the times that have been set out and the gates are kept clear to allow easy access for all the children.

Parents must note that as per the original correspondence, teachers are not available to speak to before school as they are all ensuring the children come in safely.  If there is something that you want your child’s teacher to know please either call or email the school office.

I also ask that only 1 parent/adult comes for drop off or pick up to reduce the number of adults in and around the school site.

Packed lunches

Children can have either a school packed lunch or bring one from home. When providing one please ensure it is a healthy packed lunch, no sweets or chocolate bars or anything containing nuts. If the children have these they will be removed and passed back to parents at the end of the day.

Snack / fruit

Children in year Reception – year 1 receive a piece of fruit at snack time each day. Children in year 2, 3 or 4 are welcome to bring in their own piece of fruit or healthy snack. As with the packed lunches, please make sure these are not nut based and must be healthy.

After school clubs

From Monday a limited offer of after school clubs starts again. We hope to be able to offer a range of clubs across the school year but will continue to review how these are being managed and ensure that all the safety measures can still be kept to.  When collecting children from a club, please continue to follow the one way system when entering and exiting the site.

Symptoms and self-isolation

We have had a number of calls from parents asking for advice if they should send their child to school. If your child shows any of the symptoms as set out below they should not come to school and parents should arrange to have a test by going online or calling 119.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:


  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms.

Some clarification on who needs to self isolate:

  • A person who is symptomatic plus their household (only the people they live with) until they get a test result (if negative they and their household can resume normal activities)
  • A confirmed positive case for 10 days from the date they are symptomatic or from two days before the test if they have no symptoms
  • An identified contact of a confirmed case
    • Household member
    • Anyone who has had direct contact within 1m – either face to face for any length of time or where it is no face to face contact for more than 1 minute
    • Anyone who has had proximity contact >1m<2m for 15 minutes
    • travelling in a small vehicle, like a car, with an infected person


Any child who shows symptoms will be taken to our isolation room and parents will be contacted to collect the child and asked to arrange to get them tested. Please recognise this is in line with Government guidance and is to help protect everyone. Where there is any doubt we will always be cautious and follow the procedures for isolating and requesting tests.

For further information please refer to nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/

Again, many thanks for your ongoing support and understanding


Mr T Jones


Update 1 11_9_2020